The Future – What is retirement in 2019?

I remember my paternal grandad retiring, probably because he took us to Disneyland when he did! His retirement meant going from full time work in an office in Cardiff to being at home every day with my gran. He'd read, walk the dog and play a bit of tennis. He was involved in the Rotary Club but essentially he stopped work and put his feet up. What about people retiring now; what is retirement in 2019?

Is it different now?

My mum "retired" a couple of years ago from a job that she loved as a university lecturer. However, she didn't put her slippers on and stop. No, she is now a published writer (Julia Ibbotson, in case you're interested!). This is her third career, not including that of a mother to me and my sister.

Planning for retirement

My financial planning clients think less of retirement and more of a time when they can change direction, start a new chapter, make a difference or do something they love. I have worked with clients who have stopped their original career to begin as a poet, cabinet maker, chiropodist, writer and a number of consultants or non executive directors. The clients I work with who are looking forward to a time when they stop their first career aren't talking in terms of a life sitting in a chair with a pipe and slippers.

Thinking about your future

When you plan for your retirement, ask yourself some questions:

  • What do I want my life to look like?
  • What do I want to do with my time? What would I love to do with my time?
  • What level of income do I need to earn at this time? Do I want to need to earn any?!
  • What would I like to do for others, if anything?
  • Do I want to work or volunteer or would I like to travel, play golf (or something else) and just relax?

When you know what you would like your future to look like, it is much easier to plan for. You might find that working out want you don't want is more straightforward that working out what you do want.

Don't forget that you may want to reduce the number of days that you work to enable you to do other things, perhaps having a 3 day week instead of working full time.

If you liked this blog, you might enjoy Working Flexibility  by our friend Natasha Jones.

Tamsin Caine works with divorcing couples and individuals to help them to sort out their finances fairly and amicably. She helps them to work out what they want from their future lives and the steps they need to take to get it. She is a Chartered Financial Planner and founder of Smart Divorce. Tamsin can help at any stage of the divorce process. If you would like to arrange a free initial meeting, or just have a question, please get in touch either by phoning 07975 922766 or emailing

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