Family home - buying, borrowing and valuing

In this episode, we are talking property. We are joined by experts in valuing, mortgaging and finding property. If you are not sure whether to try to stay in your family home or make a new start elsewhere, this conversation should help. Our guests are Daniel Bell, Seb Nicolleau and Graham Bowcock.


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Sebastien Nicolleau

Sebastien graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Management from the University of Bath in 2001. He then spent 13 years working for Nasdaq and CAC 40 corporations, reaching international director roles.

In parallel, Sebastien has been actively involved in property investment since 2005. During which he has developed an extensive knowledge base and expertise of the UK, French, Monegasque, Spanish and Portuguese property markets.

Through first-hand experience he realised how archaic and unfit for purpose the current real estate system was for buyers in Europe compared to other parts of the world. Take the US, Canada, Asia or Australia for instance. Buyers there, will be fully represented by an independent buying agent or realtor working solely for them. In Europe, most buyers are on their own and fully exposed, having to deal with selling agents who are mandated by and work for the other party, the seller.

That led him to found Galleon Property Search in 2014 with one objective; to change the current buyer/seller power dynamic in Europe and make sure that buyers are professionally advised and fully represented. He is a buyer, think and act like one. It is his crusade and he is known to be very passionate about it across borders.

When not immersed in the international property markets, Sebastien loves to travel, with South America and Asia amongst his favourite destinations. He is a keen climber and slowly makes progress with his kite surfing skills.

Galleon International Property Search

Daniel Bell and his growing team are highly respected, award-winning mortgage advisers working from offices in both Manchester and Liverpool city centres. They are able to provide every aspect of your property needs from first-time buyer mortgages through to multi-million pound commercial deals, as well as sourcing the right policies you need to protect your investment. 

Integrity, Client Care and Tailored Relationships are are the pillars of Bell Financial Solutions and Daniel has come from a strong background in Financial Services, with industry leading knowledge backed up by strong qualifications, credentials and a commitment to regular ongoing training. When not crunching numbers n a calculator, Daniel loves playing with George the Dog and long walks with both him and his partner Sam. 





Graham Bowcock is a Shropshire farmer’s son (but points out he was born in Chester) who studied Rural Estate Management at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. He returned to Cheshire to work in land agency before spending three years with Co-operative Group, advising on their extensive rural estate and farming portfolio across the UK. He subsequently established A G Bowcock and Co in 1992 and after various mergers became part of surveyors Berrys in 2001, retiring from the Partnership in 2018. He has now created Oakwood Valuation Surveyors to specialise in valuations and associated professional work in the north West and North Wales. Graham has significant property experience and has undertaken hundreds of property valuations in his career. His clients include private individuals, family enterprises and household name organisations.


Tamsin is a Chartered Financial Planner with over 20 years experience. She works with couples and individuals who are at the end of a relationship and want agree how to divide their assets FAIRLY without a fight.

You can contact Tamsin at or arrange a free initial meeting using this link. She is also part of the team running Facebook group Separation, Divorce and Dissolution UK

Tamsin Caine MSc., FPFS

Chartered Financial Planner

Smart Divorce Ltd

P.S. I am the co-author of “My Divorce Handbook – It’s What You Do Next That Counts”, written by divorce specialists and lawyers writing about their area of expertise to help walk you through the divorce process. You can buy it by scanning the QR code…

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