Domestic Abuse IDVAs - What Are They and How Do They Support Survivors

Caron 400

Caron Kipping, a renowned expert, private IDVA and divorce coach in the field of domestic abuse, joins Tamsin to shed light on a critical issue that affects many lives. Throughout their conversation, Caron shares her invaluable insights on the role of Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs) and how they collaborate with various agencies to support high-risk survivors.


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Caron Kipping

Caron Kipping is based in South Buckinghamshire – Author of ‘Recognition to Recovery – How to leave your abusive partner behind for good!’ she is a survivor of domestic abuse, has worked in the sector for 17 years and has her own busy practice as one of the leading Divorce Coaches in the UK. Caron offers practical help and guidance to clients who are separating from abusive and controlling partners – guiding them through the legal process and way beyond.

Tamsin Caine

Tamsin is a Chartered Financial Planner with over 20 years experience. She works with couples and individuals who are at the end of a relationship and want agree how to divide their assets FAIRLY without a fight.

You can contact Tamsin at or arrange a free initial meeting using She is also part of the team running Facebook group Separation, Divorce and Dissolution UK

Tamsin Caine MSc., FPFS

Chartered Financial Planner

Smart Divorce Ltd

Smart Divorce

P.S. I am the co-author of “My Divorce Handbook – It’s What You Do Next That Counts”, written by divorce specialists and lawyers writing about their area of expertise to help walk you through the divorce process. You can buy it by scanning the QR code…

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