Divorce and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Tamsin talks to Dr Supriya McKenna, a former GP and leading expert on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, about the disorder itself, how it manifests in relationships and how to divorce someone who has this. 

Dr Supriya McKenna started her career as a GP and health writer and now works as an educator, writer, coach and trainer exclusively in the area of narcissistic relationships. Supriya mentors those who have fallen victim to all types of narcissistic abuse, including in the area of separation and divorce. She also trains family law professionals family in how to recognise and manage these personality disordered types - and has trained High Court Judges, Barristers, solicitors, mediators, CAFCASS officers and social workers.

Supriya is the co-author, with UK lawyer Karin Walker, of the highly successful 'Divorcing a Narcissist - the Lure, the Loss and the Law' and  'Narcissism and Family Law - a Practitioner's guide' published by Bath Publishing. They also host a very popular podcast, 'Narcissists in divorce - the lure the loss and the law.' They are currently collaborating on their third book together, on the subject of post-divorce narcissistic abuse, which is due for publication in June 2022.



You can connect with Supriya on Linkedin, Twitter (@MckennaSupriya) and Instagram (doctorsupriya) or by email on connect@thelifedoctor.org

Tamsin is a Chartered Financial Planner with over 20 years experience. She works with couples and individuals who are at the end of a relationship and want agree how to divide their assets FAIRLY without a fight.

You can contact Tamsin at tamsin@smartdivorce.co.uk or arrange a free initial meeting using this link. She is also part of the team running Facebook group Separation, Divorce and Dissolution UK

Tamsin Caine MSc., FPFS
Chartered Financial Planner
Smart Divorce Ltd

P.S. I am the co-author of “My Divorce Handbook – It’s What You Do Next That Counts”, written by divorce specialists and lawyers writing about their area of expertise to help walk you through the divorce process. You can buy it by scanning the QR code…

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