There are no two ways about it, staying motivated to keep active and healthy at this time of year is really tough. So how do you go about keeping fit over the festive season?
The days are short. It’s dark when you wake up. It’s dark when you come home. When you finally get to see a bit of blue sky, chances are it’s when you’re stuck in the office and can’t get outside to appreciate it!
Then there is constant temptation. Wherever you turn with huge boxes of biscuits and chocolates in the office just screaming out to be eaten.
As for your social calendar, well that’s stuffed full like a stocking with parties, Christmas Fairs and drinks invites all rammed into a few weeks over December and January.
Before you know it, your sports kit has stayed in your gym bag for longer than you meant and your balanced diet is so far off the rails that you think “Why bother? I’ll start again in January.”
But it’s worth putting a little bit of effort in over the Christmas period, rather than trying to make drastic changes on January 1st and beating yourself up two days later because, not surprisingly, you’ve failed to give up chocolate, alcohol, all sugar, carbs, dairy and caffeine all in one go!
Helen Murray is a Personal Trainer, Nordic Walking Instructor and Triathlon Coach, based in Cheshire. She also co-hosts the Oxygen Addict triathlon podcast. Find out more at
If you haven’t exercised for a long time or you are concerned about the effects of exercise on your body or health, consult your GP.
If you are concerned about how to get through Christmas on your own, read Tamsin Caine’s blog here.
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